
CountrY of Llamas and incas

There is no better way to experience a country than by living there for a while. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to call Lima my home for 5 months. It was such an incredible experience, that we were all sad to leave. When the semester did end, we as exchange students finally had gotten to know this enormous city and beautiful country a bit. 
Why let this knowledge go to waste? 
Therefore, this section of Travels Well Spent is completely dedicated to the incredible time we had in Lima to make sure you will get the most out of your time while traveling Peru. Accordingly, you find three sections below. The first one focusses specifically on exchange students in Lima. Here you will read about courses, a packing list, where to live, why to select Lima as your exchange destination. Let’s call it practical information. The next section considers the Lima lifestyle. So, want to know more about how the public busses work or where to buy the cheapest alcohol and much more, visit this page.

But let’s be real, you also came to Peru to travel! And you should, because Peru is BEAUTIFUL and has everything you want. From Mountains to climb to waves to surf, from jungles to explore to cities to experience. This page offers plenty of inspiration and loads of practical tips on how to travel Peru. 

Discover Peru

Feature Trip

Want something truly authentic? An experience of the beaten track? Sail the Amazon for 5 days!

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